Get the money you or your clients need to finance their separation


We don’t have to tell you that divorce can be costly. For family lawyers, some clients have no choice but to pay for it all with their high-interest credit card.

They’re already dealing with the emotional toll divorce can take. We want to help alleviate some of the financial worries.

That’s why Separation Mortgages now offers short-term financing for the amount they need—up to $35,000. A Separation Loan is theirs to use to help pay legal fees and other family-related debt they experience during separation and divorce.

Why consider short-term financing from Separation Mortgages?

  • Get a better interest rate than most credit cards provide

  • Help improve your client’s credit score

  • Get the funds they need within 48 hours

  • Funds can be directed to your trust account

  • A simple solution for flat fee payments

How can they lower their interest rate to 0%?

Once their separation is completed, your client can repay their short-term financing with the funds they receive from their settlement or they can lump the funds into the mortgage of their matrimonial home. In these cases, their interest rate then becomes much lower, and in many cases even 0%!


Taking charge of her finances

Don’t let the high costs of separation in Ontario hold you back!

Don’t let the high costs of separation in Ontario hold you back!

The following is based on real client experience. Although we have their permission to tell their story, we have changed the names to protect the privacy of the people involved.

Nina was in the middle of a separation that was taking longer and costing more than she expected. To make matters worse, she was paying for all the legal fees on her credit card—with an interest rate of 19.99%.

As you can imagine, her monthly cash flow was also negatively interrupted as a result.

As she neared her credit limit, her monthly payments grew and her available cash flow became more and more strained.

It became clear that she needed a better solution. Her family lawyer contacted us to brainstorm some options.

We agreed that offering her a low-interest Separation Loan was the right choice. With it, she was able to immediately pay off her credit card debt, with enough left over to provide her lawyer with the additional funds needed to complete her separation.

Nina’s monthly cash flow improved, and she was able to come to a separation agreement within six months. She was also able to pay off her Separation Loan and keep her matrimonial home. She even got a lower mortgage rate and the best terms.

A Separation Loan was the perfect solution to Nina’s financial concerns during her separation. Is it right for your client? Reach out to me at 416.570.5646 or to discuss your client’s options.


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